Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Traditional Lights

Cross a narrow bridge and the vast paddy fields on your right,
cycle your way through town for twenty minutes and you will find yourself in a completely different place. A place overwhelmed with colourful and beautiful traditional lanterns that flicker with the wind. These hues of yellow, blue, red and green are mirrored by their reflections on the waters, bringing Hoi An to a state of liveliness I wanted to just dance in.

A little stage, like a box decorated with its own distinctive diamond shaped lanterns emitted sounds from traditional instruments and a high-pitched opera duet that I couldn't comprehend but couldn't help smiling to because it sounded like a romantic story.

Wouldn't it be nice to go back in time in this place, where everyone wore bao dai's finely crafted by the locals themselves, coupled with triangular bamboo hats. Where everyone walked or cycled to the many little stalls around to get pho's, tau fu fah's, pancakes and rice papers, and black sesame soup. Where everyone worked so simply to earn a simple living, stopping halfway sometimes to bask in the lovely culture the place had to offer.

Well, Hoi An, Vietnam is just that. :)

Saturday, February 2, 2013


My thoughts are in a jumble. Mixed feelings of disappointment, frustration, and agitation. Best part about this is, I don't know why.

I guess people have moments when they feel down for no reason, or for a subconscious accumulation of reasons. Can I please return to becoming that girl who doesn't care about anything in the world, apart from being happy and amused at every little spark life has to offer?

I often wonder why do I like to hide behind the naive hopeful mind of a child, than face harsh reality that life is just ugly. Why do I persist in believing that everything's nice and sweet, and people are not as evil as I think they are deep inside, and happy endings are completely normal. Soon, I know that I will be disappointed, let down by this cover I put up.

I know this is all very deep and it doesn't make sense, but its' really hard to put my thoughts now into understandable words or situations. I just want to have an outlet for these jumbled thoughts I am now having. Emotional and ridiculous as they may be.. well, its my blog.